S Venkata Mohan

S Venkata MohanDr.S.Venkata Mohan is working as Principal Scientist in CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad since 1998. He was a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University (2005) and Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellow at Technical University of Munih, Germany (2001-02). His main research interests are in the domain of Environmental Bioengineering Specifically in the areas of Advance Waste Remediation, Aciodogenesis, Microbial Electrogenesis, Photosynthesis and Waste Biorefinery. He has authored more than 310 research articles, 36 chapters for books, edited 4 books and has 9 patents. His publication has more than 12,750 citations with an h-index of 62 (Google Scholar). He has guided 22 PhDs., 2 M.Phils and more than 100 M.Tech./B.Tech./M.Sc. students. Recently, Dr Mohan recently successfully demonstrated a pilot plant for biohydrogen production from waste for MNRE and waste fed biorefinery platform for CSIR. He carried out various industrial and consultancy projects in the area of environmental management. Dr Mohan is recipient of coveted 'Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize' for the year 2014 in Engineering Sciences from Government of India. He also received several awards and honours, which includes, Most outstanding Researcher in the field of Environmental Science in India- 2018 by Carrer360, as 'National Bioscience award-2012' by DBT, Government of India, SERB-IGCW-2017 for 'Biohydrogen Technology' from DST-SERB, Environmental Engineering Design Award 2017 by the National Design and Research Forum (NDRF) of Institute of Engineers, India (2017), 'Prosper.net-Scopus Young Researcher Award in Sustainable Development -2010' under Energy Category by United Nations University and Elsevier, 'NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award- 2010' in Earth, Oceanographic & Environmental Sciences by NASI and Elsevier, Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur Memorial Prize-1994 by The Institution of Engineers (India), etc. Dr Mohan is an elected Fellow of National Academy of Engineering, Biotech Research Society of India, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Akademy of Sciences, International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Institution of Engineers, International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, etc. Dr Mohan is National Editor for Science Portal (EVS), subject Editor for the Journal of Energy, Associate Editor for Frontiers in Environmental Science and Frontiers in Energy Research and is serving on the Editorial Board of several journals viz., Bioresource Technology, Advances in Energy Research, Carbon Resources Conversion, etc. Read More Read Less

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Microbial Photosynthesis37 %
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