Régis Penet

Régis PenetRégis Penet was born in Dieulefit in September 1970. He obtained a baccalaureate of Fine Arts then for six months attended private school in Lyon where he learned color, perspective and the basics of drawing. He also obtained a DEUG in History. A fewyears later, he signed his first project with the publisher Soleil, Fleurs carnivores, published in 2001, based on a scenario by Jean-Blaise Djian. Volume 2 was published the following year, followed by the Marie de Loups trilogy, created in 2004 with Frédéric L'Homme. Together, they also signed Catwalk in 2006 with the same publisher. Les nuits écorchées, published by Daniel Maghen, was his first solo creation, followed by the adaptation of Alfred de Musset's Lorenzaccio, which he wrote and illustrated. His latest book, À hauteur d'homme, was released in January 2021 by Les enfants rouges.

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