Ryan MackRyan Mack, aka the "Financial Evangelist," has a life mission to build and develop a durable financial empire geared towards educating his community and beyond. As a renowned public speaker, he has provided keynote presentations to organizations acros the country. These include Harvard University, Columbia University, NAACP, National Urban League, NASA, National Black MBA Association, the National Basketball Association, Microsoft Corporation, HSBC, KPMG, Johnson and Johnson, Six Flags, and Deutsche Bank. Ryan taught economic empowerment principles to those in need in South Africa, and has partnered with the local District Attorney's office to teach financial literacy to previously incarcerated community residents with the aim of lowering recidivism rates. He can be regularly viewed on television networks such as GMTV, CNBC, CNN, Thomson Reuters, and BET discussing economic/social issues that impact American citizens. Ryan has been featured in Black Enterprise, African American Family, and The Source & NV Magazine. He contributes regularly to Huffingtonpost.com, The Network Journal, Fortune, Ebony, Essence, and Black Enterprise, and received the Top 40 Under 40 Achievement Award from The Network Journal. He also received Tom Joyner's "Hardest Working Financial Advisor Award" because of his efforts to empower the community with the crucial life skills of financial literacy. Whether he is counseling a group of doctors at a convention or in Rikers Island providing a free course, Ryan's comprehensive, exciting approach to teaching economic empowerment to all income levels has generated a level of much needed interest in a volatile economy. Read More Read Less