Ryan Litsey

Ryan LitseyRyan Litsey is the Associate Librarian and head of Document Delivery at Texas Tech University. A graduate of Florida State University with a degree in Library and Information Sciences, he has spent a majority of his academic career developing ground reaking technologies that have endeavored to transform Resource Sharing. Both Occams Reader and the stats tracking system OBILLSK have changed the way ILL librarians are able to share the resources of their respective institutions. Ryan was recognized by the Library Journal as a 2016 Mover and Shaker in library technology. He is also active in several ALA - RUSA/STARS committees, he is a consulting editor for the Journal of Access Services and the associate editor for the Journal of Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve. His academic research is in resource sharing, machine learning, predictive analytics and anticipatory commerce. Read More Read Less

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