Rusty Kanokogi

Rusty KanokogiJean Kanokogi, Ph.D. is a Senior Special Agent for the U.S. Government with extensive experience in conducting criminal investigations. With a career spanning 23 years in law enforcement, Jean has been the lead investigator on several high-profile caes, including the attacks on 9/11 and many that focus on protecting public health. She is a subject matter expert in cognitive interviews, defensive tactics, firearms safety and engagement and defensive tactics. Jean is a fifth degree black belt in judo and a highly respected sensei. She was on the U.S. national judo team, now known as USA Judo, and won several medals in international tournaments. Most notably, Jean was one of the original signers of the American Civil Liberty Union suit to fight for women's rights in the sport of judo. Jean is the co-author of her mother's story, Get Up & Fight: The Memoir of Rusty Kanokogi, The Mother of Women's Judo. She has authored numerous mental health and law enforcement related articles in various professional publications and also publishes a column in the Eighteen Eleven, the professional journal of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA), with a readership of over 36,000. One of her treasured experiences includes consulting on the television program Law and Order, Special Victim's Unit. She dedicates her time as a volunteer for the FLEOA where she is the Director of Mental Health and Peer Support Services. In this monumental role, she is building a peer support program to support the mental health of the federal law enforcement community. Additionally, this role allows her to comment on bipartisan bills that directly impact the mental health of law enforcement officers. Additional philanthropic work includes mentoring high-risk youths and serving on the evaluation committee for the Rusty Kanokogi Fund for the Advancement of US Judo. Managed by the Women's Sports Foundation, this annual scholarship provides financial support for women in judo nationwide who are training for national and international competition. Jean holds a B.S. and M.A. from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and earned her Ph.D. in the study of psychology in 2018, where she published her dissertation, entitled, "The Interrogation Experiences that Transition Novices from Beginners to Experts." Her tenacity and courage to continue to deliver on positively impacting societal behaviors is truly an inspiration for all. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: All She Wrote, LLC
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01 Jun 2021
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