Russell Kidman

Russell KidmanDr. Russell Kidman and his wife Cathy are Founders of Operation Liberty, and are Missionaries To Our Military.Brother Kidman was deployed to Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm during the Liberation of Kuwait in 1990-1991. He was a sereant serving as a Fire Direction NCO and secondary Chemical Specialist for Alpha Battery 2nd Battalion 29th Field Artillery Unit. He was deployed as General Support Reinforcement to 42nd Brigade and 3rd Armor Division.Brother Kidman and his wife are now missionaries to our military with a firsthand understanding of what the soldier who is deployed and the family who is left behind are experiencing. Most people see the soldier coming home but fail to realize the struggles of returning home and readjusting to civilian life and family. This is where Brother Kidman applies his experience and knowledge of God's Word to help our soldiers and their families from a Biblical perspective. GOD CALLED These Are My CredentialsSALVATION - 8/2/1980While visiting my Dad one year after I had a terrible motorcycle accident, under heavy conviction, I told him that I needed to be saved. Right then and right there he led me to the Lord. What a wonderful and merciful God to allow me to be saved. CALLING - 2/28/1988Just one year after I was saved I believe God placed His call upon my life but I did not respond until I was in the military in Baumholder, Germany attending Grace Baptist Church. During revival services I answered the call to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave me three years under Pastor Tim Clark's leadership as he grounded me in the Word of God. YOUTH MINISTRY - 6/14/1992Upon leaving the military, I was asked to be youth pastor at a Baptist Church in my wife's home town. Within just a few years God moved me into a full-time position in the Detroit area. For 13 years my wife and I served the Lord leading many young souls to Christ.MISSIONARY/EVANGELIST - 7/2/2006Who knows how long God has been planning this, but as for me it all started with a return trip back to Grace Baptist Church of Baumholder, Germany to provide special music for a men's retreat in May of 2006. I returned home with a greater burden for all those serving our country. God had opened my eyes to see a need in our Reserve and National Guard Units, their families and our Veterans. - Evangelism 11/3/2003EDUCATIONMidwestern Baptist College Pontiac, MI Associates of Arts Biblical Studies Liberty Baptist Bible College Rochester Hills, MI Bachelors of Arts Biblical StudiesLiberty Baptist Theological Seminary Rochester Hills, MI Masters of Theology Doctor of TheologyAmerican Christian University Gastonia, NC Doctor of Philosophy Contact Information: Dr. Russell Kidman Read More Read Less

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