Royce Alan Alford

Royce Alan AlfordPastor Royce Alan Alford has been in the mental and emotional health field for over 25 years. Growing up plagued by the thoughts, "What's wrong with me?" and "I'm stupid," Alan finally reached a point in his life where he couldn't live with those accsations in his head anymore. In this book, he takes us on his personal journey to freedom from his inner prison.These thoughts and hundreds more like them are the "Black Plague" of our day. They are the unseen killer that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths. Trauma, neglect, abuse, lack, or simply the feeling of being different can lead to beliefs that control us from the inside out.Alan now lives in Cabot, Arkansas, where he currently pastors the church he planted over 20 years ago and fills the roles of husband, father, grandfather, friend, pastor, and counselor. His two sons live nearby along with 5 grandchildren. His wife, children, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren all attend his church and are his best friends. He shares his testimony with you in these pages. If you dig deep and can see beyond the surface of his words, it may bring a new perspective you have never experienced before. Read More Read Less

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What's Wrong With Me?12 % NR
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19 Apr 2023
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What's Wrong With Me?12 % NR
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20 Apr 2023
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