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Rosemary Ruth Nolan

Rosemary Ruth NolanRosemary Ruth Nolan is a fifth-generation Irish Australian, born in 1960, who lives on the family farm, Rosebank, where she was raised with her two brothers, and where her four children were raised. He father's family were Irish settlers and her mothr, a nurse, came to Australia from County Galway, Ireland, to Australia in the 1950s.She has always had a deep love of the land, farming and local history. She has worked in nursing, hospitality and agriculture, and runs a vintage wares business called 'Emporium Rose. Her yearning to tell her story in a comical way came to fruition when she realised her great-great-grandfather Peter Fox could do it for her as a fox named Peter.The chance meeting with local artist Meagan Lonsdale and her illustrations were created and married to the story of Peter and his beloved Rosebank. Read More Read Less

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Foxes of Yallamatta Swamp2 % NR
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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23 Jul 2022
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