Ronan Lordan

Ronan LordanRonan Lordan carried out his undergraduate studies at the University of Limerick, graduating with a first-class honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences and Education in 2015. Ronan taught Leaving Certificate Biology and Chemistry in rish second-level schools before returning to the University of Limerick in 2016 to begin his PhD scholarship to study the role of dietary polar lipids in inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Ronan has lectured on various topics including lipids chemistry, genetics, and health. Ronan has published several peer-reviewed papers. His research interests include: (a) elucidating the structures of bioactive polar lipids in various foods; (b) developing novel functional foods and nutraceuticals against cardiovascular disease; and (c) discerning the mechanisms of platelet-activating factor-induced systemic inflammation. Ronan is the process of completing his PhD.

Twitter Handle: @el_ronan Read More Read Less

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Dietary Patterns, Physical Activity, and Lifestyle in the Onset, Prevention, and Management of Noncommunicable Diseases19 % NR
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Preventing the Adverse Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 through Diet, Supplements and Lifestyle18 % NR
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29 Apr 2022
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Functional Foods and their Implications for Health Promotion20 % NR
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