Ronald P Braddock

Ronald P BraddockRonald P. Braddock Sr. was saved when he was about twelve years old. He was also raised by a single mom. He and his brother, Jimmy, werem poor. And they didn't know it, for they always had enough food and clothes. Ronald decided at fifteen years old hat he wanted to go to college, So, he prayed this prayer: "Lord, I need to go to college, and the only way, that this is possible is for me to get a scholarship in sports. I am good in baseball. I do not know if I am good enough, but if I am not, would you? make me good enough?" After that prayer, he won every award one could. win in high school in Savannah, Georgia. Ronald received a full scholarship to the University of Georgia. God did not stop there. In his junior year, he broke the highest batting record for a season by hitting a 489 batting average. The record still holds after all these years! God can do more than we could ask or think, according to the power that works in us (the Holy Spirit). Read More Read Less

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Your Mouth Confessing God's Healing Promises Will Heal Your Disease16 % NR
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13 May 2024
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Your Mouth Confessing God's Healing Promises Will Heal Your Disease25 % NR
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06 May 2022
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