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Ronald C Hamdy

Ronald C HamdyRonald C. Hamdy, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.A.C.P. is professor of Medicine, holder of the Cecile Cox Quillen Chair of Excellence in Geriatric Medicine and director of the Osteoporosis Center at East Tennessee State University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of th Journal of Clinical Densitometry, the official Journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Prior to this editorial appointment, he served for 10 years from 2000 to 2010, as the Editor-in-Chief of the Southern Medical Journal.

Dr. Hamdy has published 5 medical textbooks: Osteoporosis (2013, Oxford University Press), Alzheimer's disease (3 editions: 1998, 1994 and 1990, CV Mosby Publications), Geriatric Medicine: a problem orientated approach (1984, Bailliere Tindall Publications), Paget's disease of bone (1981, Paeger Scientific Publications), and Diuretic therapy in the older patients (1978, published under the auspices of Smith Klein Laboratories and translated into French and Dutch). He also published over 200 original and review manuscripts in peer-reviewed medical journals. Read More Read Less

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis17 % NR
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Alzheimer's Disease: A Handbook for Caregivers59 %
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