Ron W Germaine

Ron W GermaineRon Germaine was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and grew up in various towns throughout Ontario and Alberta, Canada. He was a high school teacher and counselor in British Columbia, Canada, and is currently Professor Emeritus, National University, La Jolla, alifornia, where he worked with practicing teachers in a Master's program. He has published several professional journal articles and a book, A concise guide to writing a thesis or dissertation: Educational research and beyond. Improbable Connections: A Mayflower Story is his first novel. Ron was drawn to learning more about the Mayflower because his mother passed down oral history that 'relatives came over on the Mayflower.' While a direct, ancestral link has not been established to those who came on the ship, 'cousin' relationships have been found with Elisabeth (Tilley) and John Howland, and with Mary (Chilton) and John Winslow. Ron now lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia, near his five beautiful grandchildren and their remarkable parents: Matthew and Jessica, and Peter and Amanda. Read More Read Less

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A Concise Guide to Writing a Thesis or Dissertation5 % NR
Publisher: Routledge
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25 Apr 2019
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