Romeo HonorioRomeo is a Filipino-Canadian author residing in Alberta, Canada with his wife and daughter.His first book, Open Visa, highlighted the inspiring, encouraging, and challenging life stories of Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers, caregivers, and newcomersIn late 2020 his second book, Covid-19 Fundemic, was published. This funny, insightful, and witty illustrated-journal-type book was dedicated to all covid-19 pandemic heroes. As mentioned in the book, Romeo initiated the declaration of the first Covid-19 Pandemic Heroes Day on Dec. 21, 2020, in Alberta. Since then, with the generous support of businesses and organizations, over 2,750 Covid Heroes received certificate of recognition/appreciation and gifts.Romeo is the founding Chair of Diaryo Alberta Society. The society is one of the local organizations engaged in advancing and promoting Filipino cultures and contributions in the province.Romeo has worked at many jobs over the years as a researcher, speaker, facilitator, consultant, and contributor to local community papers like Alberta Filipino Journal in Edmonton, and Taliba Newspaper in Toronto, Ontario.He is an avid indoor and outdoor gardener. Occasionally a resource person to friends, colleagues, and newcomers' concerns and issues. When in mood, away from handheld gadgets and kitchen, he is a poet, composer, and an artist.He is an inspector with the Canadian Grain Commission. Read More Read Less