Robin Stombler

Robin StomblerWhether participating in after-school speech and debate programs or coaching other students, author Robin Stombler found forensics a transformative experience. Stombler has used her voice to advocate issues from clinical laboratory quality, food safey, and scientific advancements to health care improvements, and community revitalization. Stombler is president and founder of Auburn Health Strategies, a strategic and business development firm serving health and science organizations for nearly twenty years. She serves as vice-chair of the board of directors of a national laboratory accreditation body, is a member of the board of discipline editors for a scientific journal, and has been appointed to numerous commissions and advisory panels. A veteran of Capitol Hill and state government, Stombler has published peer-reviewed and trade journal articles on a variety of health, science and business topics. Her astute and strategic insight is widely sought after by chief executives, academicians and policymakers. Read More Read Less

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