Roberto Pilloton

Roberto PillotonDr. Roberto Pilloton is retired after a long career since 1986 focused on studying bioanalytical methods by means of electrochemical biosensors in food, clinical and environmental analysis. He was a senior researcher at the two biggest research instiutes in Italy, ENEA "Italian Institute of sustainable development" and then at CNR "Italian National Council", he taught, as an adjunct professor, Environmental Bioanalytical Chemistry in several Italian Universities and Research Institutes. He was Tutor of master and Ph.D. theses, national and international fellows. Visiting scientist in Paris (FR), Stuttgart (D), Nice (FR), Braunschweig (D), Lund (SE), Izmir (TR), Ceske Budejovice (CZ), Karaikudi (IN). He was chairman or member of the scientific committee of several international conferences on biosensors (BBMEC) and environmental analytical chemistry (ISEAC), Vice-president of IAEAC "International Association on Environmental Analytical Chemistry" from 2015 to 2018. He is now the Editor in chief of the International Journal on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IJEAC) of Taylor and Francis and a member of the editorial boards of two MDPI Journals: Sensors and Biosensors. Read More Read Less

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