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Roberta C M Decaprio

Roberta C M DecaprioRoberta C.M. DeCaprio is a freelance writer of all genres in romance and women's mainstream fiction. A prior "sexuality" columnist for A.B.L.E.D. Magazine, and former Assistant Editor for Independence Today newspaper (both publications dedicated to te needs and rights of the disabled), Roberta has insight into the problems other physically challenged people face due to her own walking impairment.She has won awards for her poetry, becoming published in several anthologies. A graduate of the Writer's Digest School and Cornell Cooperative Extension, Roberta also held the office of Newsletter Editor (2002 to 2004) for Capital Region, her local chapter of Romance Writers of America, interviewing well-known published authors.A mother of two, and grandmother of four, Roberta shares her upstate NY home with two dearly loved rescue cats, Mikko and Misha, and her artist/screenplay writer husband with whom she's collaborated on a script for a 24-hour film race and a sitcom that has won the attention of a producer.To view Roberta's backlist of novels, and read excerpts from her books, check out her website at: Read More Read Less

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