Robert Wileman

Robert Wileman The first Ritual Meeting post my initiation proved to be quite overwhelming. Numerous questions flooded my mind - where should I stand or sit? What do the collars and jewels signify? What are my responsibilities? Moreover, I found myself clueless abot the Furniture and Ornaments within the Lodge. I even struggled to recall the Steps of an Entered Apprentice and the correct grip. Despite these challenges, I consoled myself, assuming that all newly initiated Entered Apprentices faced similar uncertainties. I hoped the more seasoned brethren in my lodge would be understanding of my inexperience, but the experience remained rather intimidating.Since that day, I have been dedicated to guiding and mentoring new initiates, helping ease their transition into Freemasonry and fostering confidence within the lodge. In an effort to support future Entered Apprentices, I've crafted this concise, reader-friendly, step-by-step introduction to Freemasonry."Freemasonry, Navigating the Craft" serves as an in-depth reference manual, offering crucial insights into lodge customs, symbolism, collars, jewels, and responsibilities. This guide is not only beneficial for the new initiates but also serves as a valuable resource for senior Freemasons seeking a deeper understanding, or simply to use as a teaching aid towards new initiates.If you ever find yourself overwhelmed with questions, " Freemasonry, Navigating the Craft " is your trusted companion, providing concise and accessible insights to assist you on your Masonic journey. Read More Read Less

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Freemasonry Navigating the Craft Beyond Initiation25 % NR
Publisher: Robert Wileman
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01 Nov 2023
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