Robert Mein

Robert Mein

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'Every City Shall Be Forsaken'59 %
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01 Aug 2001
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Cross Removed, Prelacy and Patronage Disproved, and Arbitrary Ceremonies Condemned, to Pave the way for a Sacred as Well as a Civil Union, to Compleat the Happiness of the Government of Great-Britain, Both in Church and State12 % NR
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The Edinburgh Paradise Regain'd, or the City Set at Liberty, to Propagate and Improve Her Trade and Commerce: Being a Curious Disertation Thereon, and Discovery of the Disease That Obstructs the Growth and Progress Thereof, and an Effectual Remedy
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The Edinburgh Paradise Regain'd; Or, the City Set at Liberty, to Propagate and Improve Her Trade andNR
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The Edinburgh Paradise Regain'd, or the City Set at Liberty, to Propagate and Improve Her Trade and Commerce: Being a Curious Disertation Thereon, and Discovery of the Disease That Obstructs the Growth and Progress Thereof, and an Effectual RemedyNR
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The Edinburgh Paradise Regain'd; or, The City set at Liberty, to Propagate And Improve her Trade AndNR
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The Edinburgh Paradise Regain'd, on the City Set at Liberty, to Propagate and Improve Her Trade and Commerce. ... by a Merchant-Citizen,NR
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