Robert Lionel Kholekile Mazibuko

Robert Lionel Kholekile MazibukoRobert was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. There he received his early education until his second year at university. He later completed university in the United States. For several years, Robert served as a Traveling Teacher for theBahá'í Faith in South Africa and later in Swaziland, teaching the Faith in city and rural environments. He was elected and served on the Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly of South Africa for ten years. While in South Africa, Robert also served as a Translator, translating two major works of the Bahá'í Faith: the Kitáb-i-Iqán (The Book of Certitude) and the Hidden Words into Xhosa, an African language, as well as other booklets and documents. He became a citizen in the United States in 1992 where he currently resides with his family. Robert Mazibuko has also written and published five other books. Read More Read Less

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