Robert KozmaDr. Robert Kozma Ph.D (Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of INNS) is Professor of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Memphis, and Professor of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst. He holds a PhD in Physics and 2 MSc degrees in Mathematcs and Power Engineering. His research is focused on computational neurodynamics, large-scale brain networks, and applying biologically motivated and cognitive principles for the development of intelligent systems. Previous affiliations include visiting positions at NASA/JPL, Sarnoff Co., Princeton, NJ; Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL); AFRL, Dayton, OH; joint EECS/Neurobiology appointment at UC Berkeley; Associate Professor at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan; Lecturer at Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand. His research career started over 35 years ago as a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. He has published 8 books, 350+ papers, has 3 patent submissions. His research has been supported by NSF, NASA, JPL, AFRL, DARPA, FedEx, and by other agencies. He is President of INNS (2017-2018), serves on the Board of IEEE SMC Society (2016-2018); has served on the AdCom of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2009-2012) and the Board of Governors of the International Neural Network Society (2007-2012). He has been General Chair of IJCNN2009, Atlanta, USA. He is Associate Editor of Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, Cognitive Systems Research, and Cognitive Neurodynamics. Dr. Kozma is the recipient of the INNS Gabor Award. Read More Read Less