Robert J Licalzi

Robert J LicalziRobert J. Licalzi was born and raised in Queens, New York, where his fondest childhood memories were the invention of color television and his first day as a teenage when his father bought an air conditioner to cool the family apartment after 2 sweltering summers. After graduating from Queens College, Bob began working for an international bank. A few years later, in the late 70's, the bank assigned Bob to sunny Puerto Rico at a time when sunblock did not have numbers. There, Bob met and married Diane. After job assignments in Tokyo, London and New York, and after having four children, Bob retired from the bank, moved the family to Puerto Rico, and learned the importance of SPFs (Sun Protection Factors). Bob has always enjoyed writing, particularly essays. He has written hundreds of opinion pieces, had many published as letters to the editor in various newspapers, briefly ran a blog called Puerto Rico Commentary which presented his views of Puerto Rico's economic policies, and compiled a few hundred letters written to family and friends in Keeping Sentiments Alive (not published). More recently, he began writing humorous essays, and was encouraged to publish (Adding a Little Levity) mostly by his children who, while still on allowance, found every one of them funny. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Blue Star Press
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13 Jul 2018
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