Robert HoskissonRobert E. Hoskisson is the George R. Brown Emeritus Chair of Strategic Management at the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. Dr. Hoskisson received his Ph.D. from the University of California-Irvine. His research topics focuson corporate governance, acquisitions and divestitures, corporate and international diversification and cooperative strategy. He teaches courses in corporate and international strategic management, cooperative strategy and strategy consulting. He has co-authored 34 books. Dr. Hoskisson has served on several editorial boards for such publications as the Strategic Management Journal (Associate Editor), Academy of Management Journal (Consulting Editor), Journal of International Business Studies (Consulting Editor), Journal of Management (Associate Editor), Organization Science and Journal of Management Studies (Special Issue Guest Editor). His research has appeared in more than 130 publications, including the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspective, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Leadership Quarterly, Organization Studies, Strategic Management Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, California Management Review and Journal of World Business. The Academy of Management Learning and Education lists him among the most highly cited authors in strategic management texts. He is also included in the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher list that catalogues the world's most influential research scholars. Dr. Hoskisson is a fellow of the Academy of Management and a charter member of the Academy of Management Journal's Hall of Fame. Read More Read Less