Robert Brynjolfson

Robert BrynjolfsonRob Brynjolfson left his home in Vancouver, BC, Canada at the age of 18 to serve his first term as a missionary with International Teams in Bolivia, where he was involved in church planting. Upon his return, Rob studied at Northwest Baptist College i Vancou-ver, and then at Regent College where he earned an M.Div. At Regent he met and later married Silvia from Argentina. Together they served with WEC International in Spain and Equatorial Guinea, focusing on leadership training and development. Upon their return to Canada, Rob and Silvia were asked by WEC to start a "hands-on" missionary training program. This led to the founding of the Gateway Missionary Training Centre in Langley, BC, where he continues to serve as program director. In 2006, Rob complet-ed studies and was awarded a D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deer-field, Illinois. In July 2006, he stepped down as the pastor of Esperanza Multicultural Church in Burnaby, BC, to provide direction to the International Missionary Training Network (IMTN). Rob and Silvia have three children, Karis, Walter, and David. They live in Langley, BC, Canada. Read More Read Less

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