Robert a RevelRobert A. Revel was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. His life has been an intentionally non-linear exploration into the nature of consciousness. After studying film production in college and a brief stint in the commercialfilm industry, Robert was drawn to become a trainer with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg's Center for Nonviolent Communication. He began teaching the art of transforming violence in prisons, schools, intentional communities, homeless shelters, corporate administrators, with athletic teams, juvenile offender programs, and the family court system. Following this, he undertook a hiatus of extensive travel, searching for and studying with consciousness teachers from around the world. Upon returning home, he augmented a personal study of systems theory, quantum physics and organizational dynamics. At 35 years old, he designed and built a rammed-earth, off-the-grid rural home in the Rocky Mountains, where he lived a self-sustaining lifestyle for eight years. There, alone in the remote Colorado wilderness he experienced a spontaneous and radical psychological undoing. The unparalleled contraction precipitated a deconstruction of Robert's entire subjective reality, ultimately bringing him to a place of absolute surrender-out of which he authored his first book, Razing Men: Redemption of the Masculine Core, published in 2011. He also wrote the closet drama Pilate published in 2015. Robert lives in Northern California with his Wife, Lenni Revel. Together, they have co-founded Cool Tribe World, a global community vision that is designed to promote and enrich the current edge of personal evolution through depth consciousness. To contact Robert, please visit Read More Read Less