Rl Morton

Rl MortonThe Teacher came together first and foremost as a Gift from God's providence as skilled and dedicated believers were drawn to contribute their varied and exceptional abilities to the overall writing, production, publication, and marketing of the bookall functioning as ministry partners in this literary tool to support spiritual enlightenment outreach efforts in America and worldwide. Special thanks to Kim Carson, who graciously allowed a section of her book, Essence of Life, and her biography, Hotlined from Heaven, to be the basis of one of Maitreya's characters. Sean Truskowski provided the original poetry found in Part I of the book and Madison Dillard was an invaluable coauthor and contributing editor during the shaping of Part I, Unchained, as she served to authenticate Fallon as a high school student and Christian. Thanks also to author Ben DeVries, whose book, A Delicate Fade, provided a central struggling character around which Holden Harwell was modeled. The Pastor Ben character was shaped by an experienced youth pastor whose wish it is not to be personally recognized for his considerable literary contributions to the early chapters. The Share International organization provided the material about Maitreya, around which my fictional story was constructed. They believe that Maitreya is a Teacher sent by God for our age to lead us into a new enlightened era where Peace and Promise for all can be achieved through the global application of Justice and Sharing. As you read the book I hope you found yourself searching your soul for the Light we all need to establish and grow a working, enlightened, authentic faith in a world desperately in need of coming together as a common family honoring a universal Creator. Beyond these recognized contributors, the success of The Teacher will be the result of the prayers of countless individuals who believed in and supported this effort by purchasing copies of the book to read and recommend to others. Read More Read Less

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Scream and Scream Again!18 % NR
Publisher: HarperCollins
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24 Jul 2018
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Teacher10 % NR
Publisher: Lulu.com
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24 Dec 2020
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Hereafter6 % NR
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24 Jun 2013
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