Rishikesha T Krishnan

Rishikesha T KrishnanDr Vinay Dabholkar is the president of Catalign Innovation Consulting and helps organizations foster a culture of innovation. He has worked with several organizations in India over half a decade to develop the idea pipeline and the innovation leadersip pipeline. Before starting his independent consulting career, he worked with technology companies such as Motorola and Sasken. He shares his insights on innovation in his blog: http: //cataligninnovation.blogspot.in/. Rishikesha T. Krishnan is director and professor of Strategic Management at IIM, Indore. He was on the Thinkers50 India 2013 list of most influential management thinkers and was awarded the Thinkers50 India Special Innovation Award. His earlier book, From Jugaad to Systematic Innovation: The Challenge for India, identifies the challenges faced by India in enhancing industrial innovation, and how these can be overcome. His blog, jugaadtoinnovation.blogspot.in, tracks contemporary innovation trends in India. Read More Read Less

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8 Steps to Innovation: Going from Jugaad to Excellence38 % NR
Publisher: Collins India
4.6 (8)
07 Apr 2015
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