Rinaldo Raccichini

Rinaldo RaccichiniRinaldo Raccichini received his master's degree in chemistry from the University of Camerino. He was awarded his doctorate from the University of Münster for work on the synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of active materials for metal-ionbatteries and supercapacitors, followed by a research fellowship at the University of Southampton on the study and characterisation of materials for sulfur-based batteries. Rinaldo then worked at the UK National Physical Laboratory as electrochemical energy storage higher research scientist. He also served as editorial office for the Journal of Power Sources for several years Rinaldo was appointed as editorial board member of Electrochem and Chemistry Proceedings journals and guest editor for Energies. He is an indiepdent reviewer for various research institutes and peer-reviewed scientific journals. Rinaldo is currently a senior editor at Springer-Nature and his main scientific interests lie in the study of EES systems. More broadly, he retains a strong interest in all the different aspects of energy production, harvesting, storage, transformation, consumption, and sustainability. Read More Read Less

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