Rimaletta Ray Ph DDr. Rimaletta Ray is a scholar and a college professor of Psycholinguistics who earned her doctorate in the Academy of Sciences, the Brain Institute, in Moscow. She is an ardent follower of a great Russian psychologist and psycholinguists Leo Vygotsk. Dr. Ray is an advocate of the Auto-Suggestive Psychology that she considers to be pivotal for a personality formation. She believes that education is inseparable with inspiration and that a new field of knowledge, called the Science of Life needs to be taught in our schools and colleges, developing the students' indispensable Life Skills, featured in her book "Living Intelligence or the Art of Becoming "(2015) Dr. Ray considers auto-suggestibility to be the onto-genesis of self-formation, and she suggests instilling in the brain the inspirational life skills, essential for all of us, with the help of the rhyming inspirational boosters and mind-sets (authoritative mind commands) that are psychologically-charged and that prove to be more persuasive and inductive than just affirmations, quotes, or other uplifting techniques. "The rhyming word goes better inward!" (Edgar Cayce) Self-induction helps aware attention be paid to SELF-INSTALLATION in life and the necessity to adjust to the fast blowing technological gust. The new times need new exponentially-developing minds! Don't Be Life-Negligent; Be Universally-Intelligent! In the book "Soul Refining," Dr. Ray reintroduces this idea and presents her holistic philosophy of accomplishing SOUL-REFINING by way of developing our intelligence in ten main levels: general, language, emotional, psychological, professional, financial, cultural, social, and universal and in five planes: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Universal. Dr. Ray has been working in different universities and colleges of the USA for more than 23 years. She currently teaches in the Norwalk Community College in Norwalk, Connecticut, promoting inspirational teaching and generating in her students an insatiable desire for knowledge, self-education, and full self-realization in life. To Self-Excel, Be the Best Version of Yourself! Dr. Ray has authored eleven books on the auto-suggestive inspirational philosophy of self-formation. All the books by Dr. Rimaletta Ray are the synthesis of the lifetime of scientific research, avid reading, as well as a consistent self-refining. Dr. Rimaletta Ray runs her language-coaching business Language-fitness.com, based on language intelligence, emotional diplomacy, and hypnotherapy of self-sculpturing and self-choreographing in life. Commit to Being Soul-Fit! Read More Read Less