Richie SarloAt the age of nineteen, Richie Sarlo felt called by God to leave university and enter seminary. In the years that followed, he earned a Master of Theology and Doctor of Sacred Studies from Christian Life School of Theology in Columbus, Georgia.He andhis wife, Misty, were married in 2002 and have served in every area of local church ministry, from volunteer to full-time staff. With over twenty years in full-time ministry, Richie has seen Christians consistently held captive to past hurts, wounds, and traumas, ultimately crippling their growth in Christ.In 2011, he went through a process of allowing the Lord to heal the wounds, hurts, and traumas of his past, and what emerged from that season was his mandate, "To help broken people like myself find healing in Jesus so that they can live physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy lives."In 2015, he and Misty felt called to plant a church with the mission of teaching Christians how to live free by allowing the Lord access to every area of their past, present, and future. This church, The Community Chapel, has a motto that states, "We do hard things!"Along with pastoring in full-time ministry, Richie is a serial entrepreneur and a passionate communicator. Read More Read Less