Richard Sadus

Richard SadusProfessor Richard Sadus is Director of the Computational Science Laboratory at Swinburne University of Technology. He is a former Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (University of Karlsruhe) and some of his early simulation work was performed at the Univesity of California, Berkeley. His current research focus is on the molecular simulation of fluids, which involves the development of algorithms and the application of high performance computing (HPC) to predict the macroscopic properties of materials from an understanding of atomic interactions. The molecular complexity of systems studied ranges from simple atoms to water, dendrimers and molecular motors such as ATPase. Recent research highlights include an accurate intermolecular potential for water that includes the effects of polarization; a study of fluid polyamorphism; and three-body interactions. He has published widely and he is the author of two books on both phase equilibria and molecular simulation. Read More Read Less

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