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Richard P Cranium

Richard P CraniumWe all have things in our lives we don't like or even infuriate us. We can all feel the need to blow off steam about those things. Quite often though, our reason for losing it, over these everyday annoyances, is lost in our outburst of angst or vitril. As the author of this tome, I am no different. As I advance in years, I regress in patience. I can see stupidity, lack of thought, lack of logic and sense in many things. I can see behaviours that bemuse, confuse, and even shock me for their absolute lack of reason, but one thing makes me a little different. I have a very clear idea of why these things make me feel like that. With that firmly in mind, I thought, why don't I try a little therapy and instead of bottling up my anger, until it boils over into a rant, why don't I write them down. It might help. It might calm me down. Then I thought well, I cannot be alone in this thinking, so why don't I try to help others too? I am sure I have many more than 101 things that 'tick me off', but that number sounds like a good launch pad. I am also sure that most people who read this book will have at least 20-40% agreement with me on the items I have chosen. For the remainder, it might just help you think about stuff in a different way. Read More Read Less

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101 Things that have me vexed and wrathfulNR
Publisher: Lulu Press
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22 Dec 2023
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