Richard L Graves

Richard L GravesDick Graves is a fifth-generation Texan and his wife Lois a native Floridian, but they have chosen to make their home in Alabama. They have three children: Rebecca Johnson, Atlanta, Georgia; Jeffrey Graves, Staunton, Virginia; and Kathryn Anne Booher Auburn, Alabama. Professor Emeritus at Auburn University, Dick holds the B.A., Baylor; M.Ed., University of Florida; and Ph.D., Florida State. His interest in poetry dates back to his high school years, emerged while a professor at Auburn, and came into full bloom later in his life. In this collection he explores a broad range of topics, examines insights from various perspectives, and finds some reconciliation for conflicting views. He hopes you enjoy the writing. Read More Read Less

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Argon Furnace43 % NR
Publisher: Madison Books, Inc
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01 Jan 1990
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