Richard L Diesslin

Richard L DiesslinRichard Diesslin's current position is an author, freelance cartoonist as well as an illustrator.Mr. Diesslin began his studies at Purdue University where he received his B.S. in Industrial Management (1978). He then went on to University of Dyton and received his M.A. in Theological Studies (1995).Mr. Diesslin is author/writer/cartoonist/illustrator of many publications. As of 1999-present he is a writer/cartoonist of KNOTS. KNOTS is a Boy Scout cartoon strip illustrating what NOT to do on camping trips and other scouting events. He also researched, wrote, and cartooned the book, The Cartoon Ten Commandments (2000). Along with many other cartoons he has cartooned, A Journey Through Christian Theology (2000) and The Cartoon Gospel (1990).Mr. Diesslin's cartoons are well appreciated at many presentations. He presents his humor in the Bible, Christian cartooning and theology to various seminars, retreats, churches, schools, and meetings. His two latest presentations where to the Midwest American Academy of Religion in Chicago (2001,2002).His cartooning days began when he was a child. His goal is to entertain and inform. His main focus is Christian cartooning in the form of Bible commentary as well as religion and theology cartoons. However, he also is involved in many freelance projects such as London's Times Cartoons, U.S. Scouting Service Project, and Leadership Journal. Read More Read Less

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T-Rex Goes Out to Lunch10 % NR
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01 Feb 2023
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Journey through Christian Theology12 % NR
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