Richard J Teweles

Richard J TewelesRichard Teweles, Ph.D., is a well-respected consultant and legal advisor in the futures and securities industries, and a retired professor of finance, real estate, and law at California State University at Long Beach. He has served as a brokerage indstry executive, and has acted as a consultant to more than 400 brokerage firms, law firms, exchanges, and regulatory agencies.Frank Jones, Ph.D., is Chief Investment Officer for The Guardian Insurance Company. Previously, Dr. Jones served in an executive capacity for the New York Stock ExchangeÕs Options and Index Products Division, the New York Futures Exchange, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.Ben Warwick is a CTA and Director of Marketing for Abacus Trading Corporation. A regular contributor to Stocks and Commodities magazine, he is also the author of such notable titles as Event Trading and The Handbook of Managed Futures. Read More Read Less

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