Richard J ChouraRichard Choura was born in Hartford, Connecticut. He is married to Patricia Blackett, an artist, for the last twenty years and has two sons. He attended various universities and graduated with a mechanical engineering degree. He later pursued graduat courses at the University of Hartford and the University of New Haven and attained the status of Professional Engineer. He also worked as a consulting engineer for many well-known consulting engineering firms and Fortune 500 companies in many states. His achievements continued as he is also a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and served as a U.S. Air Traffic Controller for three years at Bangor, Maine which is now an international airport. Richard Choura has always loved to write topics about self, spirituality, aesthetics, science, philosophy, and literature. His well-written book Enrichment of the Self and Soul took him six years to write and definitely serves its great purpose that will change the lives of its readers. Visit for more information about the author and the book. Read More Read Less
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