Richard D Korb

Richard D KorbRich Korb has thirty-three years of educational experience as a successful educator and consultant working with difficult and at-risk students. He has taught both general and special education at all levels and has served as Youth Ranch Director of Eucation for delinquent youth.

His experience in working with difficult and defiant students has led him to develop a wealth of practical ideas that teachers and administrators can put to use immediately. He knows what works and what doesn't work when dealing with disruptive and defiant students.

Rich is also a sought-after presenter, and author of Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn, Powerful Strategies for Working Effectively with Difficult, Noncompliant Students, and Accelerating Achievement Through Purposeful Assessment.

Rich is an adjunct faculty member for Seattle Pacific University and Brandman University Chapman University Systems, where he teaches a course in how to work with defiant and disruptive students.

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Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn43 %
Publisher: Corwin Publishers
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17 Jan 2012
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