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Rich Bailowitz

Rich BailowitzRich Bailowitz was born and raised in New York City, received a BA in Music from Queens College in 1969, and eventually settled in Arizona in 1974. He has been interested in temporal and spatial distribution of butterflies, largely in Arizona and Sonra, and received his MS in Entomology from the University of Arizona in 1985. In addition to the earlier version of Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona with Jim Brock as co-author, he is the author of nearly fifty peer-reviewed writings and is the primary author of 70 Common Butterflies of the Southwest with Doug Danforth, Finding Butterflies in Arizona with Hank Brodkin, and Field Guide to the Damselflies and Dragonflies of Arizona and Sonora with Doug Danforth and Sandy Upson. He and his wife, Elaine Greenapple, reside in Tucson. Read More Read Less

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Southeastern Arizona Butterflies2 % NR
Publisher: Wheatmark
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13 Dec 2021
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