Rian Greeff

Rian GreeffThank you so much for reading Stoke is no Joke, a work that has taken over ten years of procrastination and exasperation to complete. Now, thank God, it's finally complete and I can move on with my life. Hallelujah!If you noticed any jarringerrors or story mistakes - please be so kind as to keep them to yourself, I really can't go back to it now. Not ever. If, however, you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review or recommending it to family and friends (or strangers). And remember to look out for upcoming books. Which hopefully won't take another ten years.Thank you again for your support.God bless you.Rian GreeffThank you so much for reading Stoke is no Joke, a work that has taken over ten years of procrastination and exasperation to complete. Now, thank God, it's finally complete and I can move on with my life. Hallelujah!If you noticed any jarring errors or story mistakes - please be so kind as to keep them to yourself, I really can't go back to it now. Not ever. If, however, you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review or recommending it to family and friends (or strangers). And remember to look out for upcoming books. Which hopefully won't take another ten years.Thank you again for your support.God bless you.Rian Greeff Read More Read Less

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Stoke is no Joke5 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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01 Apr 2023
International Edition
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Maverick Memories5 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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01 Jun 2023
International Edition
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