Rhyl Venning

Rhyl VenningRhyl Venning lives on the stunning Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. She's been married to Peter for forty years. Their daughter Tiana lives in Brisbane with her husband Matt and baby daughter Kari Florence (known as Florence). A now-retired Ocupational Therapist and nanny, Rhyl loves to make a difference where she can. She volunteers with Ladybird Care Foundation as a peer mentor for bereaved parents; as a Volunteer Care Coordinator with Make-A-Wish; as a support group facilitator for While We're Waiting; as a church representative for Operation Christmas Child; as a puppy carer for Seeing Eye Dogs Australia and as a blood and plasma donor. Sunlight on the Ocean is Rhyl's first book, an undertaking she'd never contemplated before Kari-Lee ran ahead to Heaven. Prior to completing this memoir, Rhyl had a chapter published in Until Then, a compilation of thirteen life stories shared by bereaved parents and edited by Gary and Laura House. Rhyl has also had poems and prose published in two anthologies called Courage and Change. These were compiled by Goodlife Writers Group, as fundraisers for local charities. Rhyl's favourite pastimes include long walks on the beach, KYB Bible study, scrapbooking, swimming, reading and catching up with friends or family for a cuppa and a chat. Her greatest joy is spending time with her precious granddaughter, playing together, laughing and singing lullabies that Rhyl's own grandmother sang to her. Read More Read Less

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Sunlight on the OceanNR
Publisher: Rhyl Venning
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22 Oct 2023
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