Reto Scheiwiller

Reto ScheiwillerReto Scheiwiller was born on planet Earth in an undisclosed year. As of the last intel he still is an inhabitant of that planet and has not made any efforts to emigrate to another intergalactic confederation. As of the Chief Observator Rambera Luukou, in charge of the investigation of the solar system containing planet Earth, said author of this book has accumulated 12 years of experience in the field of performance engineering in various big corporations and has helped to utterly defeat countless issues in numerous systems. He has trained some additional performance combatants, and has laid out his knowledge for everyone by writing the scriptures laying in front of you. As of today, his preferred desert is a good Italian tiramisu. If you like his book, and you ever cross paths with him somewhere in this galactic sector, you are obligated under Code TI-5276RA-87MI-0274SU445 of the Appreciation Laws of abovementioned jurisdiction, to invite him to his favorite desert. The Author and Miss Luukout wish you a good read and a lot of fun acquiring the mastery of greater knowledge. Read More Read Less

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Performance Engineering HandbookNR
Publisher: Lulu Press
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29 Jul 2021
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