Renée Otmar

Renée OtmarRenée Otmar PhD DE HLM JMM has been a professional editor since 1989 and has worked extensively as an editor, public health researcher and ethicist. She is a consultant and practising editor in academic, creative non-fiction and fiction genres. Renéeteaches on a range of topics related to editing, and regularly presents guest lectures, workshops and seminars on editing for representation, diversity and inclusion. A certified coach, she provides coaching, training and professional supervision for editors and writers who work with sensitive, explicit or distressing content. Renée has served the editing profession in a voluntary capacity since 1992: as a member of the Board of the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd), Lead Assessor for the IPEd Accreditation Exam (2008-22), president of Editors Victoria (a branch of IPEd) and convenor of the 2019 biennial editors' conference. In 2000 she was awarded Honorary Life Membership (HLM) by Editors Victoria; in 2008 Distinguished Editor (DE) by IPEd; and in 2022 the Janet Mackenzie Medal (JMM), the highest honour awarded to a professional editor in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Renée was born in South Africa and emigrated to Australia in 1986. She lives and works on the Surf Coast of Victoria and is an avid reader, crafter and traveller. Read More Read Less

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