Reginald D Jarrell

Reginald D JarrellReginald D. Jarrell has taught at Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas; St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa; Southern University in New Orleans, Louisiana; Alcorn State University, Lorman, Mississippi; and at two community colleges in Iowa and llinois. His legal experience includes work as assistant public defender, Rock Island County, Illinois, and staff attorney, Prairie State Legal Services, Rock Island. His communications experience includes working as television production staff, Family Radio, Oakland, California; as a newspaper staff reporter for The Moline Publishing Company, Moline, Illinois; and as a television news reporter, WHO- TV, Des Moines, Iowa. He has also worked as a janitor and a shoe salesperson.He earned a Juris Doctor degree, University of Iowa College of Law, Iowa City, Iowa; a Master of Divinity, American Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, California; a Master of Science, Mass Communication and Journalism, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, The American University, Washington, D.C.; and a Doctor of Ministry degree from The Berkeley School of Theology, formerly American Baptist Seminary of the West.Jarrell's writing includes essays, 31 Days (Nights): Memoir of Living Black in America (Blue Cedar Press, 2022), Wings (a children's book), and television/film screenplays. He enjoys reading, film, theater, travel, and current events.Jarrell's family consists of wife Canetha, two sons, one daughter, six grandchildren, and one small dog. Jarrell has lived in several places across the United States and currently resides in south central Kansas. Read More Read Less

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