Rebekah Steen

Rebekah SteenRebekah Steen is an artist, writer, photographer, designer, fresh air addict, and all-around creative gal. She is commonly known as Goldfish Kiss thanks to the name of her blog that's been around and adored all over the globe since 2008. After receivng countless encouraging messages about her relatable, easygoing, and "I swear you read my mind or something" writing, she finally compiled her poems into a book before they got lost in the noise of the digital world. You can usually find Rebekah at a nearby hiking trail, beach, in some body of water, or traveling to a place that has fun waves and more coconut trees than people. Ok, she has a son, is married, and runs her art business so that occupies most of her time. Or you can follow her over at @goldfish_kiss and at Read More Read Less

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Sunny Thoughts For Salty Souls25 % NR
Publisher: Rebekah Steen
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14 Dec 2022
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