Ray Marxer

Ray MarxerThe realization that much of the history of an iconic Montana ranch would die with him inspired Ray Marxer to write this memoir as a legacy for his children and to share his experience with those seeking to achieve profitability and sustainability intheir ranch businesses. A fourth-generation Montana land and resource manager, Ray spent 37 years in the employ of Koch Industries, Inc. on Montana's Matador Cattle Company ranch-21 years as ranch manager. His leadership effectively guided the ranch to the highest profit and most stable workforce in the 70-year history of Koch ownership. A champion of innovative management, Ray was recognized with six national-level environmental stewardship awards, among others. He served several terms on Governor appointed boards for wildlife, land-use, and animal health; and is active in community and industry organizations. Ray and his wife Sue stay engaged in the beef industry with their ranch services business and a small place near Sheridan, Montana, where they run just enough cows, horses, and hay to pass along the benefits of living close to the land to their five grandchildren. "Just as knowledge without practical application is worthless, so is experience never shared."Ray Marxer Read More Read Less

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Cowboy in a Corporate World4 % NR
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18 Aug 2022
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Cowboy in a Corporate World1 % NR
Publisher: RAM Publishing
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31 Aug 2022
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