Ravinesh Deo

Ravinesh DeoProfessor Ravinesh Deo is an Associate Professor at University of Southern Queensland, Australia, Program Director for Postgraduate Science Program and Research Leader in Artificial Intelligence. He also serves as Associate Editor for two internationl journals: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment and the ASCE Journal Hydrologic Engineering journal (USA). As an Applied Data Scientist with proven leadership in artificial intelligence, his research develops decision-systems with machine learning, heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms to improve real-life predictive systems especially using deep learning explainable AI, convolutional neural networks and long short-term memory networks. He was awarded internationally competitive fellowships including Queensland Government U.S. Smithsonian Fellowship, Australia-India Strategic Fellowship, Australia-China Young Scientist Exchange Award, Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Science Presidential International Fellowship and Endeavour Fellowship. He is a member of scientific bodies, won Publication Excellence Awards, Head of Department Research Award, Dean's Commendation for Postgraduate Supervision, BSc Gold Medal for Academic Excellence and he was the Dux of Fiji in Year 13 examinations. Professor Deo held visiting positions at United States Tropical Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking University, Northwest Normal University, University of Tokyo, Kyoto and Kyushu University, University of Alcala Spain, McGill University and National University of Singapore. He has undertaken knowledge exchange programs in Singapore, Japan, Europe, China, USA and Canada and secured international standing by researching innovative problems with global researchers. He has published Books with Springer Nature, Elsevier and IGI and over 190 publications of which over 140 are Q1 including refereed conferences, Edited Books and book chapters. Professor Deo's papers have been cited over 4,000 times with Google Scholar H-Index of 36 and a Field Weighted Citation Index exceeding 3.5. Read More Read Less

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Big Data in Engineering Applications37 %
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Big Data in Engineering Applications37 %
Publisher: Springer
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16 May 2018
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Intelligent Data Analytics for Decision-Support Systems in Hazard Mitigation
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Intelligent Data Analytics for Decision-Support Systems in Hazard Mitigation37 %
Publisher: Springer
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30 Jul 2020
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