Raven Todd Dasilva

Raven Todd DasilvaRaven Todd DaSilva is an award-winning scholar, archaeologist and art conservator who is passionate about all things ancient. Since 2016, she has built an online platform dedicated to making learning about the past accessible, fun and "sexy" fr everyone called Dig it With Raven. She strongly believes that learning about the past should be accessible to all and that the education of this subject has been gate-kept by old men in stuffy libraries for years. Raven has worked on archaeological projects in Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Oman, and Turkey, and specialises in the Neolithic archaeology of Southwest Asia. She has also been featured as an expert presenter on multiple podcasts, and videos. Raven holds a HBA from the University of Toronto in Classical and Near and Middle Eastern Civilisations, an MSc from the University of Amsterdam in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, and an MA from University College London in the Archaeology and Heritage of Egypt and the Middle East.

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