Ranieri D Calzabigi

Ranieri D Calzabigi

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Orfeo ed Euridice; Orpheus and Eurydice; an Opera in one act. As Performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The Music by Mr. Gluch. The Poetry by Signor Calzabigi. The Translation by Bottarelli, jun.12 % NR
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Elfrida. A Serious Opera, in two Acts. The Music by Signor Paisiello. Performed, for the First Time in This Country, for the Benefit of Madame Banti. At the King's Theatre in the Haymarket12 % NR
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Orfeo ed Euridice, Orpheus and Eurydice; an Opera, in the Grecian Taste. As Perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The Music by Signor Gluch, Signor Bach has Condescended to add his own new Composition12 % NR
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