Randy Jurado ErtllRANDY JURADO ERTLL is an award winning published author, educator, and newspaper columnist. He has also served as executive director for non-profit organizations focused on education and environmental issues. Ertll served as a communications directorfor a Congressional member on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. He has published numerous opinion columns in newspapers and magazines such as the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, La Opinión, Daily News, La Prensa Grafica, San Diego Union-Tribune, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Houston Chronicle, The Progressive and The American Interest magazines. He has been interviewed by networks such as NPR, CNN, PBS, Univisión, and Telemundo. He is an alumnus of Occidental College where he obtained the prestigious 2015 Alumni Seal Award for Service to the Community and obtained his master's degree from Azusa Pacific University. His author web-site is WWW.RANDYJURADOERTLL.COM Read More Read Less
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