Randy Jach

Randy JachRandy Jach, a Christian preacher, has had experiences that probably never happened to any person in the history of the world!Randy preached in 125 nations by the time he was 39 years old, face to face to people, meaning he was really in those nationsBy the time he was a young 34 year old man, he finished preaching in 100 nations of the world, he is probably the youngest man in the history of humanity to do that!Jesus Christ has appeared to Randy 15 times, and has spoken words to him, Jesus Christ said to Randy, "We have had an intimacy like I have had with few people!"For more than 20 years Randy spent 5 hours every day with God, 3 hours praying, and 2 hours reading the Word of God. For years he spent 7 hours every day with God, and often 10 hours a day alone with God!Randy has had visions and dreams of heaven and angels!!He preached in 89 nations in 2 years, face to face to people, that probably has never happened before!He preached in 49 nations all in 1 year!He has preached to very many of the largest churches on earth that have 700,000 people in one church, 110,000 people, and 100,000 people.He has preached to millions of people.Enjoy this journey, of an extraordinary true story, of his very rare life, his unique and unusual experiences, and adventures in the nations! Read More Read Less

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39 year old who preached in 125 nations!9 % NR
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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01 Dec 2023
International Edition
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39 year old who preached in 125 nations!11 % NR
Publisher: Nextone Inc
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01 Dec 2023
International Edition
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