Randy Dorcey

Randy DorceyDR. RANDOLPH (RANDY) B. DORCEY is a practicing estate planning specialist. In 1988, Randy became the founder of Dorcey and Associates, which has evolved into Dorcey Financial, LLC. Randy has dedicated the last thirty years to educating his clents on how to use their money to achieve their life's goals in retirement and beyond. As a public speaker, Randy provides Living Trust and Trust Funding legacy presentations for groups of all kinds and sizes. He specializes in asset preservation, lowering taxes, understanding social security maximization as well as helping to protect your estate from nursing home depletion. Randy lives in Fort Myers, Florida, with his wife Franci of forty-five years. He enjoys golfing, fishing, hunting, and traveling. Their four children are married, to wonderful spouses. And their six grandchildren, as you can imagine, keep them very busy! Read More Read Less

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